
Monday Jul 29, 2019
S3E23 Religion in Gaming
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
This week the crew +1 kick back at the gaming table to talk about religion... in gaming. From common media sources for inspiration to just making stuff up as you need for your game world. Included free of charge is off topic banter, crude jokes, nostalgia, and Jiggles! So kick back for an hour to hear our group collectively make no sense as always!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
S3E22 Wacky Characters
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Ever wanted to play an oddball character? Like really weird? Well this episode is for you. Join Game Goblin & Kazurkan as they kick back and toss out ideas for insane characters no GM would ever allow. As usual strange sounds and audio abounds as we woefully did record with the windows open. (It's hot outside)
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Additional music: Pavane for a dead princess, Performed by: Markus Staab, Composer: Maurice Ravel
Licence: The song is permitted for commercial use under license public domain, non copyrighted.
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
S3E21 Diversity Suxxor
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
It's not just summer that has the crew boiling... Forced diversity in our gaming hobby has us miffed to the hilt too. This week the podcast takes off the gloves and rants on the latest aggressor to take shots at the wild world of gaming. Beware, as we have Jiggles sitting in for the Moniker on this weeks episode as we take shots at the touchy feely political correctness police.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
S3E20 Talking Gaming Psychology
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Suggestions yes! This week WildIronJ777 of Raid: Shadow Legends, and San-Sun of Star Wars Galaxies have their suggestions lightly caressed by the crew of the podcast. In the first half we discuss the lure of gaming and the kinds of gamers different genres click with. Then onto the second half where we touch base on using minis in your tabletop RPGs. A huge thanks to our listeners and gaming friends for their topic suggestions.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jun 30, 2019
S3E19 Magical Roleplay ideas
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Game Goblin & Kazurkan have a chat about injecting magic into roleplay... The duo share their ideas and expirences on using magic in your games without going overboard or breaking your worlds lore. Coming soon, a biggie episode on minis. P.S. Lazy edit podcast, weird noises abound as the summer heat and bright lights make for a grumpy editing goblin.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
S3E18 Making New RP Characters
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
An episode dedicated to creating new characters. Advice for new players aplenty as the crew kicks back, and talks about a few of the "Do and Don't" items that commonly crop up when a newer gamer wants to roll up a new sheet for the gaming table. Also included is a few trips down memory lane about characters played and the little things that made them memorable, even years later...
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
E3 2019 Year of Mediocrity
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
How do you cover a full 72 hours of all the latest news in gaming where nothing of importance seems to happen? First you plan a one hour podcast to point out the tremendous dissapoint... then poke an angry Game goblin with a stick to rile him up for a bonus 30 minutes of rage. Join the crew this week as we look back and attempt to make sense of a multi-million dollar nothing burger.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Additional music: Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 "Raindrop" by Chopin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jun 09, 2019
S3E16 After Dark
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Our first self-censored episode! Prepare your earholes for our reviews of "adult" games. We sit down and play mature titles and subject our eyes and brains to the dirtier side of gaming so you don't have to. Game Goblin gives his thoughts about "Take Over", Darth Blasphemous gets casual with "Passion Puzzle", The Moniker doubles down on "A usual Day", And Kazurkan shows off his furry side. Claimer: Episode is NSFL.
P.S. I know we take great pride in not having to censor our episodes, but due to terms and conditions on various sites as well, a bit of decorum... You will hear a *beep* at odd intervals.
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Additional music: Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 "Raindrop" by Chopin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
S3E15 Gamed of Thrones
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
It took weeks for us to get our thoughts together... And still an hour does not fit the cascade of dissappoint... Join us for an hour of trashing the formerly awesome series: Game of Thones, which has become a parody of itself. Also jumping on board for a guest seat is Russ of the RaF podcast.
Opening/closing music, Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...

Monday May 27, 2019
S3E14 Totally Unprepared
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Whooooooo First long weekend of the summer. Among BBQ and beer, the BFG crew UNleash on UNsuspecting game companies. We take off our tops for an UNcensored show for UNprepared ears. This week we take potshots at everyone from AAA video game makers to Dice games and published RPGS. An hour long rant awaits you...
Opening/closing music, Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / Facebook / MeWe / Youtube just like everyone else...