
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
S3E42 2020 Gaming Predictions and Star Bores
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
YAAAY it's the 20's! And the gaming world has some interesting stuff on the horizon. In our 2020 kickoff episode we look forward to some of the things to come for our fellow nerds and nerdettes, and then Goblin loses his mind and boils down the end of Star Wars in a rage fueled rant.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Dec 30, 2019
S3E41 Surviving RPG Hiatus
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
With the holidays done, The crew gathers to voice their thoughts on surviving the time of year when dice get dusty. From our younger game masters to the surly green bastard, everyone weighs in on the dreaded time known as the group is on hiatus. So if you are looking for ideas to keep your group rockin when it's time to get back at the table, we just may have a hint or two for you.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Thursday Dec 26, 2019
S3E40 Movietime Dreamteam
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
After a horrible calamity and the holidays encroaching, We are back! Apologies for the delays. With the advent of Star Wars finally coming to an end, we figured why not assemble our own roleplying and gaming themed dream team. In this fantasy episode we talk about the movie we would make and who we would have on staff to make it happen, and amazingly our ideas are all better than Ruin Johnson or Jar Jar Abrams would do, lawl.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Holiday Filler...
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Happy Holidays! We just had two episodes explode during edit YAAAAY! Here's a filler block of noise just to let ya'all know were still making episodes behind the scenes, even while juggling the merry ho ho season. ~ Game Goblin.
Nothing here, unless you want to hear Christian Bale flip out... Club mix.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
S3E39 Holidays & Gaming
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
HO HO HO! Our merry crew of Game Masters return to talk about blending the holidays with your in game adventures. We weigh the pros and cons based on years of exploring when it works and when it turns into coal. Pour yourself a cold glass of egg nog and enjoy the show!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
S3E38 Roleplaying Gaming Quirks
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
We got nothing. Just kidding, This week we tackle the topic of Quirks, those little things that help make your Roleplaying character stand out from the crowd. Naturally we digress early and often, an example of one of the quirks of this podcast. Join in with 3 GMs and a noob as we weigh in.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
S3E37 Gamer Gift Giving
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
The dreaded holidays are encroaching yet again. But the B.F.G. crew has your back just in time for the difficult gamer in your life! Prepare your ear holes as we gather around the missile-toe and talk about good, bad, and sometimes naughty gifts to give to your gamer friends and gamer family.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Nov 11, 2019
S3E36 BFG Recommends (Gaming Stuff)
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
With almost 40 years of gaming collectively under our belt, from old surly vets, to newbies... The crew convenes to give their insight and recommend different games, different play styles, and generally kick back and relax.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
S3E35 Halloween Spooktacular 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
(LATE: Blame Blasphemous for not transfering the files in time.)
The gang do the yearly kick back and get spooky episode, because it's the season to get spoopy!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Oct 14, 2019
S3E34 Roleplaying One Shot Games
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Running a one shot game? The crew of GMs at the Blunt Force Gamers HQ convene to give their insight and expirience on the topic including tips and tricks picked up over the years. Sit back and take notes my fellow game masters...
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/