
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
S4E17 Gaming Censorship Bad
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
In these dark times where #cancelstuff is running ramshod across the internet. Game Goblin calls out for gamers of all stripes to do what we do best. March to the beat of our own drums! This 30 min mini-episode is a rundown on the topic since half the crew are in pandemic lockdown. *sad face*
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jun 22, 2020
S4E16 Console Wars
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Our most boring episode yet. This week, we bring you a candid knee-jerk first reaction to the new consoles from MicroSoft and Sony. Enjoy.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
S4E15 Hollyweird
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
It's hard to really have a topic. So this week, we don't. So we do what we do best. Cozy up to a microphone and laugh at all the stupid things going on in the world of entertainment, nobody is safe, Not Disney... Not WotC... Not Paizo... And not even Hollyweird.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jun 08, 2020
S4E14 Tabletop RPG Rulesets
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Rules as written v.s. Rules as intended. Which works better, which sucks the life from the game. Listen in and find out! Did you know the mantis shrimp attacks its' prey with such speed that the water around its' claws subliminates causing a pressure ripple. Thats how fast it moves, that liquid literally is literally displaced into a pressure bubble. That's anime tier speed... Or Bahubali levels of punchiness. SCIENCE!!!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jun 01, 2020
S4E13 Ship to Ship Combat in RP
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Roleplaying in SPAAAAAACE. The dreaded space pirate topic of ship to ship combat rears it's ugly head, so all hands come to the deck! In this weeks episode we stumble around to have a chat about making one of the most complex scenarios in your tabletop games a bit more simple. AHOY!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday May 18, 2020
S4E12 RPG Character Stuff
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Always the cornerstone of any campaign are those pesky adventuring types. So, what have we learned over the years? Listen in and find out. This episode is all about characters... with a bonus long winded storytime about a wee vampire named Charles. I don't know why.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday May 11, 2020
S4E11 Crafting your RPG story
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Storytime! This week we jump on the merry go round of crafting a narrative in your RP games that fits with your group. Is it free form or structured? Somewhere in between? Well we tackle that and toss in how we run games, here is another hour of trauma for your ear holes!
Don't think of yourself as a leader? THINK AGAIN!!! If you are a game master running games for those with the attention span of caffeinated kittens, Then you just might be a leader. In this episode we muddle around with this topic. Join in for a solid hour long ear pounding as we hunker down for the pandemapocalypse. Perhaps we will drop a steamy nugget of advice that will help you with becoming a better task... err... game master.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Sunday May 03, 2020
S4E10 Learning Leadership from GMing
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Don't think of yourself as a leader? THINK AGAIN!!! If you are a game master running games for those with the attention span of caffeinated kittens, Then you just might be a leader. In this episode we muddle around with this topic. Join in for a solid hour long ear pounding as we hunker down for the pandemapocalypse. Perhaps we will drop a steamy nugget of advice that will help you with becoming a better task... err... game master.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Apr 27, 2020
S4E9 To Roleplay Solo?
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Two weeks of exile later. We come back to violate your ear holes with more gaming opinions! Roleplaying solo... Wait what? Can it be done? is it viable? The group comes back to the microphones to dispense their opinions on the topic at hand... Sit tight and let us violate your isolation.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Apr 06, 2020
S4E8 Covid19 Party Games
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Stuck at home with someone? B.F.G. Tosses out their thoughts on party games, if your gunna be stuck at home in isolation with other people... May as well enjoy it eh! So kick back and listen to the less than soothing sounds of us rambling for some isolation at home party game ideas.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/