
Monday Sep 14, 2020
S4E27 Video Games VS Reality
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Video games have the strangest logic sometimes. So we compare this logic to reality, and in a roundabout way we allude to video game logic sneaking into TTRPG dungeon crawls. A huge thank you and shout out for our new listeners and subscribers, especially you guys and gals on Parler and showing us some lovin with clicking that download button!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes/Amazon/Spotify! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/
Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email the BFG crew @ bfgamershq@gmail.com (We also accept lewd pictures)

Monday Sep 07, 2020
S4E26 Stuff PlayersDo...
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Often enough, players just do things that boggle the freaking mind. We 3 wiseguy GMs sit back for a rant over the insane to the inane things that players do for most illogical reasons, (to us anyway). N-joy
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes/Amazon/Spotify! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/
Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email the BFG crew @ bfgamershq@gmail.com (We also accept lewd pictures)

Monday Aug 31, 2020
S4E25 Tabletop Armory Stuff
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Leaning toward the more medieval side of things this week, the word of the day is armor! And just how does the real life wearing of armor compare to the rules in game. Are the statistical in-game adjustments fair at your game table, or are game systems just a wee bit inane? Find out our thoughts if ye dare.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes/Amazon/Spotify! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/
Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email the BFG crew @ bfgamershq@gmail.com (We also accept lewd pictures)

Monday Aug 24, 2020
S4E24 Whats In A Region
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
We four wiseguys of the dining table, surmise and speculate over in-game regions at the game table. What little tricks do we incorporate to give each place a different feel for the players to explore? Listen in and find out eh.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes/Amazon/Spotify! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/
Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email the BFG crew @ bfgamershq@gmail.com (We also accept lewd pictures)

Monday Aug 17, 2020
S4E23 In Game Weather and Environment
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Today we dilly dally on the weather... IN ROLEPLAYING! Yes, the often overlooked aspect many of us GMs overlook in our sessions. And of course other environmental factors to really make your tabletop game go POP and feel more alive :)
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes/Amazon/Spotify! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
S4E22 Game Master For Hire?
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
What does it mean to be paid to GM for a group. This week is a thought exercise on that topic, as Kazurkan and Game Goblin hunker down in the cave of sweltering despair and convulse over the notion that some folks make cash money from game mastering.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Aug 03, 2020
S4E21 Being A Picky Gamer
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
100 episodes already?!? Where does the time go? Into gaming of course! Join Game Goblin, Kazurkan, and Darth Blasphemous as they journey down memory lane, and then gaze toward the future horizon in the wild wide world of gaming past / present / and future.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jul 27, 2020
S4E20 Crunchy Tabletop Numbers
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Smurf smurf Smurf Smurf. Smurf Smurf. Smurf! SMURF!!! Smurf smurf smurf, smurf smurf. Smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf. Smurf smurf! Smurf? Smurf, smurf smurf. Smurf, smurf, smurf smurf. Smurf smurf smurf, smurf. ~ Smurf!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jul 20, 2020
S4E19 Gaming Townships and Politics
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
While we all drink a cool refreshing corona... *cough* I mean boil away in the summer sun. Our intrepid dungeon delvers band together at ye olde RPG tavern to discuss in-game politics. So kick back, crack open a cold one, and listen in to what we think about RPG politics... In game settings of course.
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/

Monday Jul 13, 2020
S4E18 GameRage
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
With all the things going on in the worlds of gaming lately. We need to vent some steam, we be hot under the collar. Prepare thyself for an hour of barely suppressed discontent at the state of our shared hobby. Moo!
Unscripted - uncensored - unprepared...
The B.F.G. Crew is: Game Goblin - Darth Blasphemous - Kazurkan - The Moniker
Opening/closing music: Compiled by Game Goblin
Available on iTunes! Just search for "Blunt Force Gamers" in the podcast directory!
VISIT OUR AWESOMESAUCE HOMEPAGE @ https://www.bfgamershq.com/