
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Soylo V.S. Deadpool
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Game Goblin sits down with co-host Darth Blasphemouse, and Fatt Matt returns... We vomit on the new Solo movie and give lamentations to the Deadpool movie.
Opening/closing music, Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Sunday May 27, 2018
Nasty GM rant & Encounter levels
Sunday May 27, 2018
Sunday May 27, 2018
Once again, with weird audio weirdness! Game Goblin loses his sh!t on the worst GM ever. But hang on We also talk about encounter levels and general all around combat stuffs too!
Darth Blasphemous stays chill, and Kazurkan remains the voice of reason... We are okay...
Opening/closing music, Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Sunday May 13, 2018
Infinity War & more...
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
The audio is rampantly weird! Would'nt be us if every thing worked right. Right? Anyway Fatt Matt and Game Goblin mostly rant about INFINITY WAR... Well until we start derailing and making fun of other goofy things, like Black Panther. Darth Blasphemous chimes in from time to time with our nearly silent sit-in guest... THE MONIKER!!! Laughs are had.
Opening/closing music, Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Friday May 04, 2018
MAY the 4th! With Fatt Matt! STAR WARS SPECIAL!
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
It's May the 4th! And we got Fatt Matt back on the mic to rant about Star Wars... And he is not happy! This 2 part episode focuses on Star Wars present and the current state of things, and for the second half we, being gamers, delve into the world of Star Wars themed roleplay! Kick back, and enjoy this bonus episode!
Don't forget, were on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube... Just look for Blunt Force Gamers.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
EA Hate & GM Trap Tips
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
The guys make some noise once again, venting anger at EA games, then get productive and talk about traps in roleplaying.
Opening/filler music, Composed by Game Goblin (closing by my old friend Psiphy)
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Uncomfortable WotC Hayride
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
We react to a new rule for D&D 5th ed... and we react harshly, to a new rule about elves being introduced to Mordenkainens tome of foes. Join along the hayride of near endless swearing at WotC, what a way to welcome our newest voice to the podcast. All of us have some very strong words on this one, you have been warned. In the second half we talk about Magic the Gathering and the new release: Dominaria.
Opening/closing music, Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Tips for Tabletop Newbies.
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Game Goblin, Kazurkan, and Darth Blaspemous get cozy talking about good manners at the table in the first half, then move onto discussing how to find a group and the do's and dont's of being the new person at the table. A special shout-out for North West Nerdcast, Sempai noticed us! Find them @ http://podcast.nwnerdcast.com/ Why? Because Ron kicked my butt at replicants and a deal is a deal :)
Please note. Kazurkan decided to sprawl across the couch, which is why it's sounds like he phoned in or something. Bad Kazurkan, bad bad!
Find us on FB/Youtube/Twitter/ and sometimes Minds.

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
BFG gets Villainous
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Game Goblin, Kazurkan, and Darth Blaspemous sit round table and discuss their favorite villains from everything gaming to movies. Then in the second half the reminisce about recent events they missed over winter and take pot shots at the like of Disney, EA, and Wizards of the coast. And thanks again to Atention Span Games for the advice, this episode now includes a 90% shorter intro! Wheeeeeeeeee!
Please note. Kazurkan decided to sprawl across the couch, which is why it's sounds like he phoned in or something. Bad Kazurkan, bad bad!
Find us on FB/Youtube/Twitter/ and sometimes Minds.

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Radcon Wrap-up!
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Game Goblin and Darth Blasphemous decend on Radcon yet again. In this episode they give their thoughts on the con in a very tired stupor. Listener beware as our podcasters are quite sleep deprived and give their thoughts in a almost raw and unedited format. They just get right to the nuts and bolts about their adventures.
Opening/closing music, Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
BSing with the Hooligoons S2-E1
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Find the Hooligoons on Youtube and Soundcloud for some chill Seattle hip hop. We get down and nerdy with MyndTheVillain and LexLingo... Sit back and enjoy!
Official musicvideos available on YouTube and their music can be found at https://hooligoons.bandcamp.com/releases or at https://soundcloud.com/hooligoonsmusic, and catch their updates at FaceBook @ https://www.facebook.com/hooligoons/
Opening music "Stealth Mission" Composed by Game Goblin
Yeah yeah were on Twitter / FB / Minds / Youtube just like everyone else!